24. Abu Siddique

Research Consultant

  • Expert on environmental issues and climate change; bio-diversity conservation; water management; haor and wetland management
  • 10 years of experience
  • Writes extensively for influential global portals The Third Pole and Climate Change News
  • Participated in all the climate change COPs since 2013

An astute pro-environment journalist, Abu Siddique has a nose for smelling stories, especially those with a climate change angle. Working for some of the leading national dailies of Bangladesh including Dhaka Tribune and Daily Sun for the better part of the last decade, Siddique has explored the remotest corners of the country in search of stories that have often made headlines and hit the talking points. He is one of only a handful of journalists from Bangladesh who writes extensively for influential global portals The Third Pole and Climate Change News. He is active away from home as well, having participated in all the climate change COPs since 2013 and filing stories on burning issues such as adaptation and mitigation, indigenous knowledge, climate change protocols, etc., that have become topics of international discussion. As part of a never ending strive to improve his understanding of all the intricate elements of environment in the broader sense, Siddique has participated in international fellowship programs on environmental degradation, the role of media in climate change reporting, bio-diversity conservation, water management, haor and wetland management in UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, India, Nepal, and Thailand. More recently, he has begun to take a keen interest on environmental policymaking processes and has been actively involved in a number of ongoing regional and global dialogues on the issue.