Profile Details

Research Consultant

  • MSS in Sociology
  • Expertise on health and related issues (FP, SRHR, MR, RTIs, STIs, WASH, nutrition); skills development
  • Command over delivering training; data collection tools development; quantitative and qualitative data analysis; drafting of research reports
  • 14 years of experience
  • Has vast experience in monitoring and evaluation; project management and implementation; concept note development; project proposal development; knowledge management; documentation of good practices and lesson learned

Mr. Rahman, obtaining both his graduation and post-graduation from University of Dhaka in Sociology, has gained remarkable experience on managing result oriented monitoring and evaluation, research, project management and implementation, concept note development, project proposal development, knowledge management and documentation of good practices and lesson learned during his more than 11 years’ professional career being a part of various kinds of projects and studies under different organizations in the sector of health especially on FP methods, SRHR, safe MR (Menstruation Regulation), management & treatment of incomplete abortion, post abortion contraception, RTIs and STIs, WASH, skill development, nutrition etc. During the tenure at HDRC, he, being involved in several studies and assignments, has contributed on report writing for donor, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, delivering training, data collection tools development, methodology development, secondary documents review and so on. He has received a few training on Mixed Method-Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection and Analysis, Review of data collections and analysis, Organizational Learning and Evaluation and Concept Note Development etc.