Profile Details

Research Consultant

  • MSS in Economics
  • Expertise on socio-economic impacts of development interventions focusing marginalized groups of peoples; migration and development; policy and strategy analysis; governance issues; land economics; and tobacco taxation
  • 14 years of research experience
  • Provided 50 consultancy services to 27 organization including the major UN agencies and international NGOs working in Bangladesh
  • Has number of research publications; and Bangla novel and short stories
  • Hardcore bibliophile

Asmar Osman has long expertise in assessing socio-economic impacts of development interventions focusing marginalized groups of people. He also has ample expertise in: migration and development; policy and strategy analysis; governance issues; land economics; and tobacco taxation. He is capable to analyze and triangulate large scale primary level quantitative data and qualitative information. In last 14 years, he has provided around 50 consultancy services to 27 organization including all the major UN agencies, international and national NGOs, and government autonomous agencies of Bangladesh. Asmar has number of acclaimed research-based publications including five books as co-author (on migration and development; alternative development discourse; land rights of plain land indigenous peoples; rural land market; and agricultural practices in Chittagong Hill Tracts).

Some of his research works are available online:

  1. Thematic Research on Migration and Development (IOM, 2017); Web link
  2. Study on the Quality of Family Planning Services in Viet Nam (UNFPA Vietnam, 2017); Web link:
  3. Reinforcing Ties: Enhancing Contributions from Bangladeshi Diaspora Members (ILO, 2014); Web link:
  4. Bangladesh: In the Corridors of Remittance (ILO, 2014); Web link:

Asmar completed his Graduation and post graduation from Department of Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh with excellent result. He is the Life Member of Bangladesh Economic Association. Asmar is deeply interested in literatures and has number of creative books in Bengali published by renowned publishing houses of Bangladesh. Asmar was born in September 07, 1981 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Asmar is fascinated regarding the discourse on social changes and child development; and occasionally talks on it national television channels. He is Married to Sultana Razia—a banker by profession; with a 5-year old son Shayantan Osman. He lives with family in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is a hardcore bibliophile; any booklover will envy his collection.