Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) is the only Bangladeshi research and consultancy agency that successfully collected data amidst the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, maintaining all the precautions and safety distancing from urban and rural areas. Committed and spirited field researchers of HDRC went to doorsteps to acquire data and information for eight different studies commissioned by NUPRP-UNDP, ALRD, Solidarités International, Practical Action, BRAC-GJD Programme, Marie Stopes Bangladesh.
HDRC investigated the urban poor’s status in the pandemic: “Socio-Economic Assessment of COVID-19 under National Urban Poverty Reduction Programme” for NUPRP-UNDP.
HDRC examined the state of rural Bangladesh during COVID-19: “COVID-19 Impacts on Lives and Livelihoods of the Land, Water and Natural resources-Dependant Communities: Coping with the COVID-19-induced Changed Scenario” for ALRD.