Mid-term evaluation of the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy plus programme (SAFE+2), conducting for UNHCR Market Research on Joyeeta Products, conducting for Joyeeta Foundation Influence of Increased Budget Allocations on Nutritional Status of Under-5 Children: Exploring Interventions in Bangladesh’s Local Government Institutions, conducting for Max Foundation Bangladesh Land Governance Report 2023: Land Poverty and Rights to Khas Land, Conducting for ALRD Situation Analysis of Human Resource Outsourcing in the Health Sector of Bangladesh, Conducting for Health Economics Unit, MOHFW Peasant Rights to Khasland: Impact on Life and Livelihood, Conducting for Nijera Kori Level and Pattern of Infertility Among Young Couple in Bangladesh, Conducting for NIPORT Follow-up Study on Political Economy of Land Litigation in Bangladesh, Conducting for ALRD Development of a National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), Conducting for IOM Support in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning to Assess Effectiveness of Pharmacies in Increasing Eyeglasses Coverage among Garment Workers in Gazipur and Savar, Bangladesh, Conducting for VisionSpring Improvement of Readiness in Health Facilities for Providing Health & FP Services, Conducting for NIPORT Methodology Design and Implementation of Baseline, Longitudinal Outcome Monitoring and Impact Evaluation of NUPRP, Conducting for UNDP
Mid-term evaluation of the Safe Access to Fuel and Energy plus programme (SAFE+2), conducting for UNHCR
Influence of Increased Budget Allocations on Nutritional Status of Under-5 Children: Exploring Interventions in Bangladesh’s Local Government Institutions, conducting for Max Foundation
Situation Analysis of Human Resource Outsourcing in the Health Sector of Bangladesh, Conducting for Health Economics Unit, MOHFW
Development of a National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM), Conducting for IOM
Support in Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning to Assess Effectiveness of Pharmacies in Increasing Eyeglasses Coverage among Garment Workers in Gazipur and Savar, Bangladesh, Conducting for VisionSpring
Improvement of Readiness in Health Facilities for Providing Health & FP Services, Conducting for NIPORT
Methodology Design and Implementation of Baseline, Longitudinal Outcome Monitoring and Impact Evaluation of NUPRP, Conducting for UNDP