Research Consultant
- CHT-based veteran rights-activist and researchers
- Possesses vast knowledge on land rights, indigenous systems on agriculture, forest, plantation, and governance in CHT
- Secretary General of Movement for the Protection of Forest & Land Rights (CHT), and Vice Chairperson, ‘Taungya’
- Speaks Bangla, Tanchangya, Chakma and English
Sudatta Bikash Tanchangya is a CHT native from ethnic origin (currently living in Rangamati) with long research experience in that region on land rights, agriculture, forest, plantation, and governance issues. Mr. Sudatta is a social worker and freelance consultant from the CHT. He is also highly skilled in communication and rapport building in that region. He is the Secretary General of Movement for the Protection of Forest & Land Rights (CHT), and Vice Chairperson, ‘Taungya’, two organizations that work to protect indigenous peoples’ rights in the CHT. On behalf of TAUNGYA he was deeply involved in a Participatory Survey on Assessment of Village Common Forests and Natural Resource Management Plan in Chittagong Hill Tracts (2008-09). He also conducted a study on Natural Resource Management of Indigenous Systems in Bangladesh (2006-07) for RIPP-Bangkok. His long professional experience includes dynamic involvement in a good number of well received and highly esteemed studies on population, land and indigenous peoples of the CHT. He speaks Bangla, Tanchangya, Chakma and English. Mr. Sudatta is a well-known figure to many development practitioners and donors for his diversified knowledge on the CHT issues.
His major relevant works in CHT on behalf of Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) are— State of Development in Chittagong Hill Tracts (2014), conducted with support from UNDP-CHTDF; Status and Dynamics of Land Rights, land Use and Population in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh (2010), conducted with support DANIDA; Socio-economic Baseline Survey of Chittagong Hill Tracts (2009), conducted with support from UNDP-CHTDF; Socio Economic Baseline Survey and Livelihoods Assessment of CHT Watershed Co-management Activity (CHTWCA) for UNDP-CHTDF; and Agricultural Production Practices in Chittagong Hill Tracts (2017), conducted with support from Manusher Jonno Foundation.