Research Consultant

  • Master of Public Health Nutrition
  • Sc. in Nutrition and Food Engineering
  • Public Health Nutrition expert, particularly in Maternal and Child Health, Adolescent Health, SRHR and Nutritional Planning.
  • Specialized in developing concept notes and project proposals, data collection instruments, training, teaching, qualitative and quantitative research design and community engagement.

Nawal started his research career as Research Associate at Human Development Research Centre in 2018. During his years with HDRC, he has provided technical assistance on more than twenty health and nutrition studies/projects/assignments. He also has experience working on large-scale national surveys, the Bangladesh Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Survey (BAWHS). Besides large-scale government studies, he worked as a team member of project evaluation, baseline, midline, endline and impact studies of various national and international NGOs like Unicef, UNDP, UNFPA, Save the Children, BRAC, Nutrition International, ICCO, ALRD, Pathfinder, Water Aid, World Vision Bangladesh etc. He is involved in teaching as a faculty member of the department of Nutrition and Food Engineering under the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences of Daffodil International University.

Nawal has completed his MPH (major in Public Health Nutrition) and B.Sc in Nutrition and Food Engineering from Daffodil International University. He has affiliations and memberships with the Public Health Association of Bangladesh (PHAB), the International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan and the Bangladesh Economic Association (BEA). He has been awarded as food safety prefect from Suraksit Khadya Abhiyan-SKA, India. He also worked as an exchange researcher at the Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand, in 2017.

Nawal was born and brought up in Rangpur City. He is a self-motivated person and a hardworking team player.