Establishment and Logistics: HDRC HQs is located in its own premise in Dhaka. The total floor space is approximately 10,000 sq. feet. HDRC has its own in-house training facilities, computer facilities for data management, word-processing, and for programming custom-made package to suit its requirements. The Centre is well equipped with communication and transport facilities. In addition to paper-based surveys, HDRC is well equipped with ample number of gadgets (tabs) to collect data electronically. HDRC uses updated software to analysis both quantitative data (using SPSS, Stata etc.) and qualitative information (using Atlas.ti).
The air-conditioned office premise of HDRC has its own in-house computer facilities for data management, and for custom-made package to suit its requirements. The organization, at its disposal, has 48 upgraded computers with networking facilities. Two heavy duty generators are used at HDRC to ensure uninterrupted power supply. There is separate space with cubicles for data entry with 24 computers. There is secured room for safe preservations of the filled-in schedules. A space is dedicated to the editing and coding purpose. The entire premise has been kept under close circuit camera surveillance. A well-built fire extinguishing system has been placed in HDRC. The office is well equipped with updated models of digital still and video cameras, heavy duty printers and photocopiers, scanners, sound recorders, GPS machines, tablet PCs and Smart phones for data collection.
HDRC’s own premise in Dhaka, Mohammadpur

Training Facility: HDRC has a 2,000 sq. feet space used as Training Venue (for 50 persons) in its own premise. The Training Venue is equipped with all the training instruments including three dedicated overhead projectors, sound system, white boards, flip charts etc. This Venue is designed considering the gender sensitivity issues including sitting arrangement, toilet facilities etc. There is ample space for group work as well as relaxation during the breaks for the training participants. Training Materials (including folder, pad, pen, pencil etc.) and Food and Beverages are supplied by HDRC to training participants. The trainers are provided with all the required facilities including separate cubicles, laptops, printers etc.
HDRC Training Facility