Developing and Executing an Influencing Strategy/Advocacy Strategy for Gendered Enterprise Markets (GEM) and Enterprise Development Program (EDP) Components, Conducting for Oxfam GB (Year 2017) Study on Agricultural Production Practices at Chittagong Hill Tracts, Conducted for Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) (Year 2016) Socio Economic Baseline Survey and Livelihoods Assessment of CHT Watershed Co-management Activity (CHTWCA), Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility (CHTDF), Conducted for UNDP Bangladesh (Year 2016) Baseline Study for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL) Programme, Conducted for Solidaridad (Year 2014) Research on the Impact of Social and Income Security for Older People at Household Level, Conducted by HelpAge International (Year 2013) A Quantitative Analysis of Fertilizer Demand and Subsidy Policy in Bangladesh, Conducted for FAO (Year 2010) A Follow-up Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Resources Farmers of FOSHOL-CARE, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2009) Mid-term Review of FoSHoL-CARE, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2008) World Development Report 2008: An Analysis from the Perspective of Agriculture in Bangladesh, Conducted for Oxfam GB, Dhaka (Year 2008) Detail Study on the People (Particularly Poor, Landless and Vulnerable) having Livelihood based on Agriculture and Marketing in the Eastern Coastal Region, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2007) A Study on Well-Being Status of Graduated RMP Women, Conducted by CARE Bangladesh (Year 2006) A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Resources Farmers of FOSHOL-CARE, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2006) An Assessment of Livelihood Security of Graduated Women in the Rural Maintenance Programme, conducted for CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2005) An Assessment of Health and Nutrition of Women in the RMP Nutrition Pilot, funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2005) An Assessment of Livelihood Security of Women in the Rural Sales Programme, funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2005) National Nutrition Project – Behavior Change Communication: A Formative Research, funded by UNICEF, Dhaka (Year 2004) Annual Time Series Survey of Vulnerable Households in Urban Areas of Jessore and Tongi (FY-2003), funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2003-04) Annual Time Series Survey of Vulnerable Households in Urban Areas of Jessore and Tongi (FY-2002), funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2002-03) Seasonal Survey of Flood Proofing Project, Integrated Food Security Program, funded by CARE Bangladesh, Dhaka (Year 2002) Mid-term Evaluation of the Integrated Food Security Program of CARE-Bangladesh, funded by USAID, Dhaka (Year 2002) Women’s Role and Status in Bangladesh Agriculture, Conducted for ADAB, Dhaka (Year 2001)
Developing and Executing an Influencing Strategy/Advocacy Strategy for Gendered Enterprise Markets (GEM) and Enterprise Development Program (EDP) Components, Conducting for Oxfam GB (Year 2017)
Study on Agricultural Production Practices at Chittagong Hill Tracts, Conducted for Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF) (Year 2016)
Socio Economic Baseline Survey and Livelihoods Assessment of CHT Watershed Co-management Activity (CHTWCA), Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility (CHTDF), Conducted for UNDP Bangladesh (Year 2016)
Baseline Study for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL) Programme, Conducted for Solidaridad (Year 2014)
Research on the Impact of Social and Income Security for Older People at Household Level, Conducted by HelpAge International (Year 2013)
A Quantitative Analysis of Fertilizer Demand and Subsidy Policy in Bangladesh, Conducted for FAO (Year 2010)
A Follow-up Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Resources Farmers of FOSHOL-CARE, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2009)
World Development Report 2008: An Analysis from the Perspective of Agriculture in Bangladesh, Conducted for Oxfam GB, Dhaka (Year 2008)
Detail Study on the People (Particularly Poor, Landless and Vulnerable) having Livelihood based on Agriculture and Marketing in the Eastern Coastal Region, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2007)
A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Resources Farmers of FOSHOL-CARE, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2006)
An Assessment of Livelihood Security of Graduated Women in the Rural Maintenance Programme, conducted for CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2005)
An Assessment of Health and Nutrition of Women in the RMP Nutrition Pilot, funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2005)
An Assessment of Livelihood Security of Women in the Rural Sales Programme, funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2005)
National Nutrition Project – Behavior Change Communication: A Formative Research, funded by UNICEF, Dhaka (Year 2004)
Annual Time Series Survey of Vulnerable Households in Urban Areas of Jessore and Tongi (FY-2003), funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2003-04)
Annual Time Series Survey of Vulnerable Households in Urban Areas of Jessore and Tongi (FY-2002), funded by CARE-Bangladesh (Year 2002-03)
Seasonal Survey of Flood Proofing Project, Integrated Food Security Program, funded by CARE Bangladesh, Dhaka (Year 2002)
Mid-term Evaluation of the Integrated Food Security Program of CARE-Bangladesh, funded by USAID, Dhaka (Year 2002)