Client Exit Interview 2000, Conducted for Marie Stopes Bangladesh (Year 2021) Client Exit Interview Survey 2017, Conducted for Marie Stopes Bangladesh (Year 2017) Feasibility of collective farming and joint initiative for market access of grassroots marginalized communities group called Gonoprochesta (People’s Initiative) Group, Conducted for ALRD (Year 2016) Audience Research Services to the BBC World Service, Trust, Conducted for BBC World Service Trust, Dhaka (Year 2007) Audience Research Services to the BBC World Service, Trust, Conducted for BBC World Service Trust, Dhaka (Year 2006) Audience Research Services to the BBC World Service, Trust, Conducted for BBC World Service Trust, Dhaka (Year 2005) Census of NMT Pullers and Owners in Corridor 1, Conducted for Dhaka Transport Coordination Board (DTCB), Ministry of Communication, Govt. of Bangladesh (Year 2005) Census of NMT Pullers and Owners in Corridor 2, Conducted for Dhaka Transport Coordination Board (DTCB), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka (Year 2004) After Study on the Impact of Mirpur Demonstration Corridor Project (Gabtoli -Russel Square), Conducted for Dhaka Transport Coordination Board (DTCB) (Year 2004)
Feasibility of collective farming and joint initiative for market access of grassroots marginalized communities group called Gonoprochesta (People’s Initiative) Group, Conducted for ALRD (Year 2016)
Audience Research Services to the BBC World Service, Trust, Conducted for BBC World Service Trust, Dhaka (Year 2007)
Audience Research Services to the BBC World Service, Trust, Conducted for BBC World Service Trust, Dhaka (Year 2006)
Audience Research Services to the BBC World Service, Trust, Conducted for BBC World Service Trust, Dhaka (Year 2005)
Census of NMT Pullers and Owners in Corridor 1, Conducted for Dhaka Transport Coordination Board (DTCB), Ministry of Communication, Govt. of Bangladesh (Year 2005)
Census of NMT Pullers and Owners in Corridor 2, Conducted for Dhaka Transport Coordination Board (DTCB), Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka (Year 2004)
After Study on the Impact of Mirpur Demonstration Corridor Project (Gabtoli -Russel Square), Conducted for Dhaka Transport Coordination Board (DTCB) (Year 2004)