Urban Poverty in Bangladesh: Land, Migration, Basic Services, Conducted for ALRD (Year 2023) Graduation Assessment of NOBO JATRA, Conducted for World Vision (Year 2020) Baseline Study on Graduation Component of the Nobo Jatra Development Food Security Activity in Khulna and Satkhira District: Cohort 2, Conducted for World Vision Bangladesh (Year 2018) Baseline Study on Graduation Component of the Nobo Jatra Development Food Security Activity in Khulna and Satkhira District: Cohort 1, Conducted for World Vision Bangladesh (Year 2018) Baseline Survey of SWAPNO 2nd Cycle, Conducted for UNDP Bangladesh (Year 2018) Baseline Study of WASH4UrbanPoor Project, Conducted for WaterAid Bangladesh (Year 2018) Mid-term Impact Assessment of the Nuton Jibon Livelihood Improvement Project (NJLIP), Conducted for SDF (Year 2018) Baseline Survey of Nuton Jibon Livelihood Improvement Project (NJLIP), Conducted for SDF (Year 2018) Six Monthly Household Survey for Profitable Opportunities for Food Security (PROOFS) Project, Conducted for ICCO (Year 2017) In-depth Monitoring Study Report ‘Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar (One House One Farm)’ Project, Conducted for Local Government & Rural Development Sector Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) (Year 2017) Socio Economic Baseline Survey and Livelihoods Assessment of CHT Watershed Co-management Activity (CHTWCA), Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility (CHTDF), Conducted for UNDP Bangladesh (Year 2016) Impact Evaluation of Five Projects of Heifer Project International (HPI), Conducted for Heifer Project International (Year 2015) Baseline Study for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL) Programme, Conducted for Solidaridad (Year 2014) Settlement and Living Conditions Index Impact Study, Conducted for UNDP (Year 2014) Improving the Targeting Effectiveness of Social Safety Nets in Bangladesh, Conducted for FAO (Year 2013) Impact of Social and Income Security for Older People at Household Level, Conducted for HelpAge International (Year 2013) Financing Growth and Poverty Reduction: Policy Challenges and Options in Bangladesh, Conducted for UNDP and Govt. of Bangladesh (Year 2009) Child Poverty and Disparities in BANGLADESH: A research study towards GLOBAL STUDY on Child Poverty and Disparities, Conducted for Unicef, Dhaka (Year 2009) Detail Study on the People (Particularly Poor, Landless and Vulnerable) having Livelihood based on Agriculture and Marketing in the Eastern Coastal Region, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2007) The Macroeconomics of Poverty Reduction: The Case Study of Myanmar, Conducted for United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Thailand (Year 2005) Poverty and Access to Land in South Asia: Bangladesh Country Study, Conducted for National Resource Institute, University of Greenwich, UK (Year 2004) Chronic Poverty among Older People in Bangladesh, Conducted for HelpAge International (HAI) (Year 2003) Formative Research on Reaching Poorest in NSDP Clinic: Identification of Perceptions and Barriers of the Poorest in Accessing NSDP Services, Conducted for Save the Children (USA) (Year 2003) Poverty and Local Economic Data mapping of Gaibandha Sadar Thana, Conducted for Verulum Associates, UK (Year 2002-03)
Baseline Study on Graduation Component of the Nobo Jatra Development Food Security Activity in Khulna and Satkhira District: Cohort 2, Conducted for World Vision Bangladesh (Year 2018)
Baseline Study on Graduation Component of the Nobo Jatra Development Food Security Activity in Khulna and Satkhira District: Cohort 1, Conducted for World Vision Bangladesh (Year 2018)
Mid-term Impact Assessment of the Nuton Jibon Livelihood Improvement Project (NJLIP), Conducted for SDF (Year 2018)
Six Monthly Household Survey for Profitable Opportunities for Food Security (PROOFS) Project, Conducted for ICCO (Year 2017)
In-depth Monitoring Study Report ‘Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar (One House One Farm)’ Project, Conducted for Local Government & Rural Development Sector Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) (Year 2017)
Socio Economic Baseline Survey and Livelihoods Assessment of CHT Watershed Co-management Activity (CHTWCA), Chittagong Hill Tracts Development Facility (CHTDF), Conducted for UNDP Bangladesh (Year 2016)
Impact Evaluation of Five Projects of Heifer Project International (HPI), Conducted for Heifer Project International (Year 2015)
Baseline Study for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL) Programme, Conducted for Solidaridad (Year 2014)
Improving the Targeting Effectiveness of Social Safety Nets in Bangladesh, Conducted for FAO (Year 2013)
Impact of Social and Income Security for Older People at Household Level, Conducted for HelpAge International (Year 2013)
Financing Growth and Poverty Reduction: Policy Challenges and Options in Bangladesh, Conducted for UNDP and Govt. of Bangladesh (Year 2009)
Child Poverty and Disparities in BANGLADESH: A research study towards GLOBAL STUDY on Child Poverty and Disparities, Conducted for Unicef, Dhaka (Year 2009)
Detail Study on the People (Particularly Poor, Landless and Vulnerable) having Livelihood based on Agriculture and Marketing in the Eastern Coastal Region, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2007)
The Macroeconomics of Poverty Reduction: The Case Study of Myanmar, Conducted for United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Thailand (Year 2005)
Poverty and Access to Land in South Asia: Bangladesh Country Study, Conducted for National Resource Institute, University of Greenwich, UK (Year 2004)
Chronic Poverty among Older People in Bangladesh, Conducted for HelpAge International (HAI) (Year 2003)
Formative Research on Reaching Poorest in NSDP Clinic: Identification of Perceptions and Barriers of the Poorest in Accessing NSDP Services, Conducted for Save the Children (USA) (Year 2003)
Poverty and Local Economic Data mapping of Gaibandha Sadar Thana, Conducted for Verulum Associates, UK (Year 2002-03)