Local Governance and Decentralization in Bangladesh: Politics and Economics, Conducted for Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC (Year 2015) A study of core infrastructure in the urban settlements of Bangladesh (Comparing findings from the 2010 and 2014 UPPR Settlement Living Conditions Index studies in 22 towns and cities), Conducted for UNDP (Year 2015) Policy Study on Financing Growth and Poverty Reduction: Policy Challenges and Options in Bangladesh, conducted for General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh & UNDP Bangladesh (Year 2009) Capacity Assessment of Local Institutions for SHOUHARDO Program, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2007) Social and Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis of Rural Maintenance Programme in Bangladesh, conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2007) Barriers in Poor People’s Access to Public Health Facilities in Bangladesh, conducted for ActionAid Bangladesh (Year 2006) Project Document of Local Governance and Production Programme (LGPP) in Bangladesh, conducted for Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) Swedish Embassy, Dhaka and Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Year 2002)
Local Governance and Decentralization in Bangladesh: Politics and Economics, Conducted for Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC (Year 2015)
A study of core infrastructure in the urban settlements of Bangladesh (Comparing findings from the 2010 and 2014 UPPR Settlement Living Conditions Index studies in 22 towns and cities), Conducted for UNDP (Year 2015)
Policy Study on Financing Growth and Poverty Reduction: Policy Challenges and Options in Bangladesh, conducted for General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh & UNDP Bangladesh (Year 2009)
Capacity Assessment of Local Institutions for SHOUHARDO Program, Conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2007)
Social and Economic Cost-Benefit Analysis of Rural Maintenance Programme in Bangladesh, conducted for CARE Bangladesh (Year 2007)
Barriers in Poor People’s Access to Public Health Facilities in Bangladesh, conducted for ActionAid Bangladesh (Year 2006)
Project Document of Local Governance and Production Programme (LGPP) in Bangladesh, conducted for Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) Swedish Embassy, Dhaka and Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (Year 2002)